HAPPY NEW YEAR?! – A Different Perspective

My memories of most New Year’s Eves of the past, are not really happy ones – only because of my expectations. My expectations were: to have fun, be loved, and start over. Isn’t that what it is all about??  A lot of responsibility for one night/day to carry, don’t you think?  I mean, we have been taught to believe, to expect, to have that perfect relationship on N.Y. Eve, or at the very least, ‘be kissed by that special someone’ at that magical stroke of midnight – as if that will wipe away all the disappointments of the previous year. We approach the New Year as if it is the end of our problems in our lives, and that they will all disintegrate with the smoke of the last firework, or disseminate into the fog of the morning as it lifts and melts, leaving behind in its trail, the Happy New Year parade of dreams yet to be fulfilled. Instead, we find that it is just the beginning of the journey into the new year of disappointment.

Resolutions or Insanity?
We make resolutions that we know will be broken, but hope they won’t. We carry our burdens and mistakes from the year past into the year approaching – and wonder why, come February, our lives haven’t taken a dramatic turn for the better.  Insanity, by definition, is repeating the same action and expecting different results.  ARE WE ALL INSANE!? Afraid so. But – we are NOT without hope.

As we approach the New Year, maybe this year we can take a different perspective.

God’s mercies are new EVERY MORNING
His faithfulness is from generation to generation.  For me, personally, I need to take EVERY thought captive, to reflect on God’s goodness, to recall His faithfulness, not just on New Year’s, but ESPECIALLY on New Year’s.  For me, the significance of the New Year has to simply be an occasion to build an altar of remembrance of what the Lord has done.

Many times in Scripture, we are told that the saints of old would lay up a pile of rocks, or build an altar to remember what the Lord had wrought for them at that time, in that place. God instructs us to remember, to rehearse, the works of God. He deserves the glory for what He has done, to be sure, but, as God works all things together for the good of those who love God, who are the called according to His purpose, this is for OUR benefit – not His. Do you think the God of the Universe really NEEDS anything from us??  He loves us, and knows we are but dust, and knows our struggles, our frailty. He knows that WE need the reminders.

The World tells us a different story
We have the world telling us: to be beautiful, but that we will never be beautiful enough; to think about ourselves, what we want, and how to get it – even at the expense of others; to be successful, but that we will never have enough; to not only “keep up with the Jones’”  but to beat them at their own game; to be happy, whatever it takes, but since we never have enough, not to be satisfied – because if you are, you will become lazy! We need to be MOTIVATED, INSPIRED, and PURPOSE-DRIVEN!  – And, of course, save the planet and love our fellow man – if it is convenient

When will we get it right?
When will we ever get the message – it is NOT about us. It is about the One who LOVES us – no matter what. It is about what HE has DONE for us, what HE DESIRES for us, the purposes and plans HE has for us that we miss every day. How do we miss them? Are we simply too busy trying to be happy, and successful – and meet our OWN expectations?

What ARE my expectations for 2020? 
I expect to be disappointed – only in myself.  Not that I won’t try, not that I won’t press forward to the goals set before me, and hopefully make progress, but, realistically, I expect to fail.  I expect to miss the mark.  I expect that my wildest dreams will NOT come true. I expect others to let me down because of my selfish expectations.  I expect that next New Year’s, I will still be looking for that Parade of yet to be fulfilled hopes and dreams.  BUT, I expect God to fulfill HIS promises, to never fail, to show me and fulfill in me and in my life: HIS purposes and plans for me, and for my future. I expect to forgive, and be forgiven. I expect that next year, as I look at the parade of hopes and dreams, I will see how God has not allowed my troubles to disintegrate with the fog, but has rather – clarified my vision of Him.

My hope is in Him
God has done great things. He has saved me from myself. He has delivered me from the torment of trying to please myself.  He will continue to give me His Grace to know – that when I DO fail, and I will, that He not only forgives me, He helps me forgive myself and His Grace will empower me to get just a little bit closer to the mark that He has ordained for me –  not that I have set for myself.  He has written MY NAME in the Book of Life – to be counted as an heir to all the blessings of heaven and earth in that final day – to live eternally in the joy and wonder of His presence.

He has loved me, and continues to love me, as no person ever could. He is my Father, my Brother, my Best Friend; He is my Husband, and the Lover of My Soul; the Creator of the Universe and the Author and Finisher of my faith; He is my Savior, Redeemer, and Lord.  He provides for me, comforts me, encourages, inspires and empowers me. He knows my future, and has great plans for me. He is my joy!

Happy New Year?  Maybe.  Joy unspeakable?  Definitely
May this coming year bring you closer to the One who loves you most, and find you resting in the fulfillment of your expectations of Him – who will never leave you or forsake you, and is always waiting to commune with you. May you find His wisdom in His word, His strength in your weakness, and His joy in your mourning.  Know that He has given us all things that pertain to life and godliness – and you WILL find Him, in every circumstance, His light in every shadow, and His presence in the midst of it all….. 

I love you, I really do – because Christ has loved me, gave Himself for me, and placed His love in my heart.  Have a BLESSED New Year – keep your eyes on Him – and don’t forget to look up – for your redemption draweth nigh…..